[6 Easy Steps] – How to Connect two Controllers to PS4?

Have you always been playing PS4 by yourself but now have one more player coming over? Of course, you can share a controller, but it can significantly alter your experience. So, how about connecting 2 controllers to PS4?

Can you connect two controllers to PS4?

Well, yes you can connect two controllers to PS4. Not only two, but you can have four controllers connected and working to PS4 at the same time.

It would help if you continue reading our short guide, to know more about how you can connect two controllers to PS4.

how to connect two controllers to ps4
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How many controllers can you connect to PS4?

If you’re new to the PS4 consoles then there’s one thing that you would be wondering about – connectivity with the controllers. You’ll be glad to know that the Sony console allows you to connect around four controllers at a time. These controllers could be assigned to guests, new users, or users registered on the console.

The feature that most people like is that when the controllers are connected, each of them lights up a different color according to their assigned position. But the question often asked is how to connect a second PS4 controller? You can find that out below!

How to connect a second PS4 controller?

Connecting a second PS4 controller is not as difficult as it seems.

Here are the steps to connect the 2nd PS4 controller.

  1. Take out the second PS4 controller that you want to connect and then place it on sharing more. You can do this by pressing the share and PS buttons simultaneously until the light on the controller begins to flash.
  2. Use your primary controller to navigate to “settings.” Here, you’ll find the option “devices” within which you’ll find several options. Press the one named “Bluetooth devices.”
  3. You can now select your new controller on the screen and press X.
  4. When you connect successfully, your system will then ask to assign a user for the controller.
  5. For this, you can select “existing user” or “add new user” depending on your preference.
  6. Now that you’ve completed it, you can repeat the steps to add a new controller.


Now that you know how to connect two controllers to PS4, you can host a game night and enjoy all the features that your PS4 has to offer!

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