[8 Easy Hacks] – How to Fix Nintendo Switch Not Turning On?

Many next-gen consoles do not allow you to satisfy your gaming cravings on the go, while having the Nintendo Switch, you can fulfill it anywhere! But, a common problem when your Nintendo switch won’t turn on can become a hindrance to your gaming!

So, what to do when my Nintendo switch won’t turn on?

Make sure your Nintendo switch is charged enough to function properly. If the switch doesn’t respond when you connect the charger, try with a new charger or cord! You can also try a different charging outlet. Besides, you may want to check if there is system problem with your switch.

To dive into details regarding why your Nintendo switch won’t turn on, and how you can fix it without hustling much; please keep reading!

how to fix nintendo switch not turning on
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Why won’t my Nintendo switch turn on?

Undeniably, the Nintendo switch has made console gaming relatively easy and more fun. You can carry it anywhere and play games whenever in a mood! Sounds fun, no?

However, it’d be pretty annoying to witness Nintendo switch not turning on all of a sudden. It could happen due to a faulty charging cord or charger itself. The outlet may not be working anymore. Sometimes, your switch suffers a damage that leads to Nintendo switch not turning on!

Here are the causes for why your Nintendo switch won’t turn on:

  • At times, having an outdated version of software on your console becomes the culprit of most problems. For example, if your Nintendo switch is unable to turn on, you must look for whether there is a software update available or not.
  • You must know that your Nintendo switch won’t turn on if it contains no battery. Therefore, to play on your Nintendo switch without interruption, you must ensure that you get it fully charged or keep it in the charging mode.
  • Moreover, a broken or damaged charging cord may also lead to your Nintendo switch turning on since your poor console never gets fully charged.
  • Rarely does your Nintendo switch’s hardware starts to malfunction, and you have left no option rather than contacting a professional to deal with the problem.
  • Presumably, you would want to recall if your console has encountered any damage; since any physical damage may lead to your Nintendo switch not turning on issue.

How to fix Nintendo switch not turning on?

To fix Nintendo switch not turning on, check the battery levels of the device. If it needs charging, connect it to charging. However, if it doesn’t respond to charging, try with a new charging cable. You can also opt for a different power outlet to see where the problem lies.

Encountering the scenario where your Nintendo switch won’t turn on is pretty irritating but easily manageable. All you have to do is trace out the root cause of the problem and fix it accordingly.

Here are the methods to fix Nintendo switch not turning on:

1. Correct the damaged charging cord

As mentioned earlier, mainly when your Nintendo switch does not turn on, the damaged charging cord may go unnoticed. However, it would help if you looked for it in the first place.

The functionality of your console majorly depends on the charging. Therefore, check the cord or the battery itself when your Nintendo switch doesn’t turn on.

Understandably, you cannot repair a damaged cord. Hence please replace it with a new one.

2. Get your Nintendo switch fully charged

Keeping your Nintendo switch fully charged will ensure that you can enjoy your favorite video games without any interruption, anywhere, anytime! However, many gamers are ignorant about keeping their consoles charged. Therefore, we suggest if you do not do so!

If you cannot keep it fully charged all the time, the least you can do is to keep it connected to the charging cord while you play.

3. Try turning on your Nintendo switch manually

If your Nintendo switch has emptied battery, it won’t turn on. In such a case, you can try to turn it on manually by following the steps given below;

  1. Since the switch needs to be in the dock to be connected to the TV, therefore, for turn it on manually, you must take it out from the dock first.
  2. Next, you will turn it on while it is undocked.
  3. Lastly, you will again put the Nintendo Switch in the dock.

4. Check if your switch has suffered a damage

You must understand that your Nintendo switch won’t turn on if it has suffered damage. So it would be best if you looked for burnt areas on your console or around the cable ports. If there is anything unusual that you might think is responsible for the problem, you may need to replace the console.

5. Connect your Nintendo switch to a new power outlet

If you have checked the charging cord, port, and console thoroughly and failed to find a defect, then perhaps the problem lies within the outlet. At times, the primary power source cannot provide enough current to the devices, which results in malfunctioning.

Therefore, if you strongly believe that the power outlet is the main culprit, you can connect your Nintendo Switch to a news outlet and see if the switch turns on.

6. Try restarting your Nintendo switch forcefully

If your Nintendo switch does not turn on, firstly, we suggest you look for the problems mentioned above and correct them if you think there is a need. However, alternatively, you can also opt for restarting the console forcefully by following the steps given below;

  1. Firstly, there is a power button on the top of the Nintendo Switch, and you need to press and hold it for 10 t 15 seconds.
  2. After a few seconds, you will release it for a while and press it thrice. However, please remember to keep the button pressed for 3rd time and release it when your console turns on.
  3. If you can see the screen is lit up, you have successfully performed the force restart on your Nintendo switch.

7. Try performing a hard/Factory reset

Nobody would want to perform a factory reset on their Nintendo switch since it erases all the data. However, you can always keep your data backed up, but that is another hustle. But unfortunately, if your Nintendo switch does not turn on and the fixes mentioned above fail to help you, you will need to perform a hard reset.

To reset your Nintendo switch, please follow the steps given below;

  1. Firstly, you will need to press and hold the power button and any volume button altogether for a few seconds until your console enters the ‘maintenance mode.’
  2. Next, using the Joy-con controller, you need to look for the ‘initialize the console without deleting saved data.’ Once you find the option, please press ‘ok.’
  3. A screen will pop up with instructions; all you need to do is to follow them and see if your Nintendo switch turns on or not.

YouTube video

8. Visit a repairing store

Sometimes nothing helps, and you may feel helpless when your Nintendo switch does not turn on. But, you must not worry! If you think you cannot fix the problem, you can take it to a nearby repair shop and get it checked and repaired if needed.


Understandably, it would annoy you a lot if you could not enjoy your favorite video games on your Nintendo switch. Many gamers report about their Nintendo switch that won’t turn on randomly. However, you must keep in mind that you can quickly fix the issue.

In this article, we have tried our best to explain why your Nintendo switch won’t turn on and how you can get rid of the problem. Hopefully, it will prove helpful!

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