How to Enable Dark Mode on Amazon? (Website & Application)

If you want to shop online, what’s the first thing that pops up in your mind? And no wonder it’s Amazon because it has been around ever since the internet. As its logo has a smile pointing from A to Z, which conveys the fact that this giant E-commerce Store lets you buy almost anything.

But one thing Amazon does not offer its customers is Dark mode. And we are here to change that. Because we know how blue light can disturb your circadian rhythm by blocking melatonin, which is responsible for making us sleepy.

All major companies out there have recognized the importance of dark mode and offer dark themes or blue light filters, but Amazon has not yet made any official attempt.

amazon dark mode
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How to Enable Amazon dark mode?

We are going to use some extensions or external sources to shift to darker themes on different browsers and Amazon Kindle App. Hopefully, the result will be just as fruitful.

Enable Amazon dark theme on Chrome

Dark Reader is an extension for Chrome that enables dark mode for specific webpages. It is best among others as it allows you to control the intensity and customize dark mode for different webpages. It is simple to use, and you can set it up by following these simple steps.

  1. Go to your Google Chrome Brower.
  2. Open Chrome Web store by clicking the three-dotted menu on the top right of the browser > “More Tools” and then click “Extensions” in the new popped menu and go to Chrome Store from the three-line menu.

google chrome extension path

  1. Or simply click the below link.

  1. Search the Store for “Dark Reader

dark reader extension

  1. Install Dark Reader extension to your Chrome.

install dark reader extension

  1. All webpages will shift to dark mode when this extension is installed.
  2. To restore older settings, click the extension icon on the extension bar and click the toggle off.

turn off dark reader

Enable Amazon night mode on Firefox

It is easy to set up night mode for Amazon on Firefox as you don’t need to install any external extension. Firefox browser has a feature that allows you to shift to darker themes.

  1. Go to Customization window in Firefox browser from three-line menu.

firefox customize

  1. Select “Dark theme” from the My Themes menu.

firefox dark theme


A better alternative for using Amazon Dark Theme on both of these browsers is The extension offers the premium experience of dark themes while surfing websites that have not ever introduced the feature.

YouTube video

Enable dark mode on Amazon Kindle App

Amazon Kindle application has a built-in feature to surf on dark themes. You have to follow these simple steps to enable Dark Mode.

  1. Go to “More > Settings” or “App Settings.”
  2. Find the “Color Theme” option and select “dark

It will change the UI to a darker theme and will not affect the inside of the books. To shift to darker settings within your books, tap the “Aa” icon and search for “Color.” Here select the Black color, and you should be good to go.

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Do you know that shifting to Dark Mode also saves your device’s battery? And there are far more benefits of Dark Mode. It suppresses the blue light that has drastic effects on your eyes in the evening.

Shifting to Dark Mode will be easier on your eyes. It prevents the disruption of your sleep cycle. And save you some battery life throughout the day. These benefits should be enough to make you willing for this shift.

I hope this content would’ve been helpful. If you have any questions or suggestions regarding the topic, kindly let us know in the comments.

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